RDA from Scratch for Catalogers with Shana McDanold
Theories and Practicalities (Wednesday, May 15, 2013)Hands on RDA (Thursday, May 16, 2013)
9 AM - 4 PM
Georgetown University’s Lauinger LibraryWilbert B. Dubin Memorial Classroom (Room 156)37th & O Streets NW, Washington, DC 20057-1174
Directions/Parking/Transportation: http://otm.georgetown.edu/
Shana McDanold, Head of the Metadata Services Unit at Georgetown University, will present a two day workshop on RDA. This workshop will explore RDA with a specific focus on theories, practicalities, authority work and hands on cataloging. The workshop will take the student through understanding the theories behind RDA and then cataloging by RDA standards.
Topics to be covered include:
Day One Theory and background - What is FRBR? Where did RDA come from? How is RDA different from AACR2? Bibliographic records - RDA Core, LC/PCC Policy Statements, and the BIBCO Standard Record Authority records - RDA Core and NACO
Day One
Day Two
Additional discussion of bibliographic and authority records Hands on practice for textual monographs
Registration: Two-day workshop: $100 PTPL members and non-members. All registration must be submitted via the PTPL web site: http://www.potomactechlibrarians.org/
Due date: May 1, 2013
Payment: Online via credit card/PayPal/or register online and mail check to Linda Wirth (Treasurer)
For questions about registration, please contact Linda Wirth (Treasurer) via e-mail at wirthll@verizon.net or by phone (703) 978-0831.
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